
2015/1/6  |  分类:海运集装箱  |  标签:  |   views
The duration of the DES Export Express worldwide prices applicable to Party A under this Contract commences from __________ and expires at the previous day before the day when Party B modifies its promulgated DES Export Express worldwide prices next time or the DES Export Express worldwide prices under this Contract are modified after negotiation of Party A and Party B .
Volumetric Charging: When shipping lightweight, bulky packages, use the formula (the product of length and width and height (cm) divided by 5000) to help you determine their volumetric weight. Airline charges are based on a minimum shipment density. The greater of the volumetric weight or actual weight of your packages will be used to calculate your shipping costs.
Details of the surcharge and add-value service will be shown on DES website at www.des56.com
All values are in RMB and customs duties & taxes and other surcharges are not included in rates.经历几年的市场实践,使我们明白:公司的成长与发展来源于"服务、创新、合作",即用我们不断完善、创新的服务 ,去寻求更广泛的合作。并靠着这种精神,使我们在国际运输代理领域中确立良好的声誉,形成更大的规模。昨天的成绩是我们今天的开始,"真诚,敬 业,合作,拓展“ 是我们的企业文化。我们将为您提供竞争力的运价和优质周到的增值服务 ,敬请来电咨询!



